• District 322G

    Encourage Empower Elevate

PIDs from India

Lion Premchand Bafana (1980-82)

Past Director
Past International Director

Lion Premchand Bafana (1980-82)

Lion P. S. Ranganathan (1988-90)

Past Director
Past International Director

Lion P. S. Ranganathan (1988-90)

Lion Sushil Kumar Agrawal (1990-92)

Past Director
Past International Director

Lion Sushil Kumar Agrawal (1990-92)

Lion Kamlesh Jain (1994-96)

Past Director
Past International Director

Lion Kamlesh Jain (1994-96)

Lion G. Ramaswamy (GR) (1996-98)

Past Director
Past International Director

Lion G. Ramaswamy (GR) (1996-98)

Lion Naresh Aggarwal (1998-2000)

Past Director
Past International Director

Lion Naresh Aggarwal (1998-2000)

Lion Muthuraja Nagarajan (1999-2001)

Past Director
Past International Director

Lion Muthuraja Nagarajan (1999-2001)

Lion Prem Lahoti (2000-02)

Past Director
Past International Director

Lion Prem Lahoti (2000-02)

Lion Pravid Chhajed (2001-03)

Past Director
Past International Director

Lion Pravid Chhajed (2001-03)

Lion K. M. Goyal (2002-04)

Past Director
Past International Director

Lion K. M. Goyal (2002-04)

Lion Chigurupati Varaprasad (2003-05)

Past Director
Past International Director

Lion Chigurupati Varaprasad (2003-05)

Lion Arvinder Pal Singh (2004-06)

Past Director
Past International Director

Lion Arvinder Pal Singh (2004-06)

Lion K. G. Ramakrishna Murthy (2006-08)

Past Director
Past International Director

Lion K. G. Ramakrishna Murthy (2006-08)

Lion Vinod Khanna (2007-09)

Past Director
Past International Director

Lion Vinod Khanna (2007-09)

Lion Bishnu Bajoria (2008-10)

Past Director
Past International Director

Lion Bishnu Bajoria (2008-10)

Lion Shyam Malpani (2008-10)

Past Director
Past International Director

Lion Shyam Malpani (2008-10)

Lion Krishna Readdy V V (2010-12)

Past Director
Past International Director

Lion Krishna Readdy V V (2010-12)

Lion Narendra Bhandari (2010-12)

Past Director
International Director

Lion Narendra Bhandari (2010-12)

Lion Dr. Jagdish Gulati (2011-13)

Past Director
Past International Director

Lion Dr. Jagdish Gulati (2011-13)

Lion Sangeeta Jatia (2012-14)

Past Director
Past International Director

Lion Sangeeta Jatia (2012-14)

Lion Sunil Kumar R (2012-14)

Past Director
Past International Director

Lion Sunil Kumar R (2012-14)

Lion Raju V. Manwani (2013-15)

Past Director
Past International Director

Lion Raju V. Manwani (2013-15)

Lion N. S. Shankar (20114-16)

Past Director
Past International Director

Lion N. S. Shankar (20114-16)

Lion R. Murugan (2014-16)

Past Director
Past International Director

Lion R. Murugan (2014-16)

Lion G. S. Hora (2015-17)

Past Director
Past International Director

Lion G. S. Hora (2015-17)

Lion ER. K. Dhanabalan (2016-18)

Past Director
Past International Director

Lion ER. K. Dhanabalan (2016-18)

Lion Aruna Abhey Oswal (2016-18)

Past Director
Past International Director

Lion Aruna Abhey Oswal (2016-18)

Lion V. Vijay Kumar Raju (2016-18)

Past Director
Past International Director

Lion V. Vijay Kumar Raju (2016-18)

Lion Virinder "V.K." Luthara (2017-19)

Past Director
Past International Director

Lion Virinder "V.K." Luthara (2017-19)

Lion Dr. Nawal J. Malu (2018-21)

Past Director
Past International Director

Lion Dr. Nawal J. Malu (2018-21)

Lion J. P. Singh (2018-21)

Past Director
Past International Director

Lion J. P. Singh (2018-21)

Lion V. P. Nandakumar (2020-22)

Past Director
Past International Director

PMJF Lion V. P. Nandakumar  (2020-22)

Lion Sampath Ranganathan (2020-22)

Past Director
Past International Director

PMJF Lion Sampath Ranganathan (2020-22)

K. Vamsidhar Babu (2021-23)

Past Director
Past International Director

Vamsidhar Babu Komatineni, from Bangalore, India was elected to serve a two-year term as International Director of Lions Clubs International at the association’s 103rd International Convention, June 25 through June 29, 2021.

Director Babu has worked as a process and marketing consultant in the fruit processing industry for 25 years. He was the Promoter Managing Director of Harsha Electronics Private Ltd & Vinsari Fruitech Limited a 100% export oriented unit.

Director Babu first became a Lion in 1993 after joining the Tirupathi Lions Club. In 2016, he transferred to the Bangalore Kumarapark Lions Club. He has held a number of offices within the association including Club President, Zone Chairperson and District Governor. He has also served as LCIF Regional Coordinator for four years and has been a member of the LCI Youth Ad hoc committee.

In recognition of his service, he has received numerous awards including the International Membership Advance Key, seven Clubs Extension awards, 10 International President’s Certificates of Appreciation, three International President’s Leadership Awards and three International President’s awards.

Director Babu is a Progressive Melvin Jones Fellow, a Second Century Ambassador and has pledged US$ 100,000 to Campaign 100.

In addition to his Lions Activities, Director Babu is a member of a number of social organizations and a Trustee in various Lions service trusts.

Director Babu’s wife, Santhi, is also an active Lion member and a Progressive Melvin Jones Fellow.

Dr. Vinod Kumar Ladia (2021-23)

Past Director
Past International Director

Dr. Vinod Kumar Ladia, from Udaipur, India was elected to serve a two-year term as international director of Lions Clubs International at the association’s 103rd International Convention, June 25 through June 29, 2021.

Director Ladia has been a part of the textile manufacturing industry for more than 53 years. He is chairman for Shree Rajasthan Syntex Limited and his corporate responsibilities include legal matters, finance and marketing. His work has allowed him to establish a textile manufacturing unit in a developing part of India and provide employment to more than 2,000 people. He is also responsible for organizing a bilateral agreement between India and Malaysia.

He first joined the Kota Lions Club in 1976 and has been a member of the Udaipur Lions Club since 1980. He has held a number of offices within the association including district governor, multiple district chairperson for SightFirst and multiple district area leader for LCIF and Campaign 100. In addition to his leadership roles, he has established several clean water projects, an oxygen supply plant and has promoted secondary education.
In recognition of this service, he has received many awards including numerous International President’s Certificates of Appreciation and several International President’s Awards. Director Ladia is a Progressive Melvin Jones Fellow.

In addition to his Lions activities, Director Ladia is active in numerous civic and professional organizations. Among them, he has served as chairman of the Confederation of Indian Textile Industry and president of the Indian Spinners Association. He is a member of the All India Management Association and the Textile Association of India. He has received a Lifetime Achievement Award from the Indian Ministry of Textiles as well as a presidential award from the president of India for his achievements as chairman of the Export Council.

Jitendra Singh Chauhan (2022-24)

Past Director
International Director

Jitendra Kumar Singh Chauhan from Agra, India was elected to serve a two-year term as a
director of Lions Clubs International at the association’s 104th International Convention, June 24
through June 28, 2022.

Director Chauhan has more than 30 years of experience working in real estate, infrastructure
development, construction and construction material manufacturing. He is currently managing
director of Trimurti Door Industries, director for Sri Sai Dwar Infraproject Pvt. Ltd. And
working partners with Radharani Infrazone LLP.

He first became involved with Lions in 2006 after being invited to an eye camp by a friend who
was a Lion member. Upon seeing the huge crowd gathered there awaiting their turn for an OPD
scan he immediately decided to join and has been a member of the Agra Adhar Lions Club ever
since. He has held a number of offices within the association including multiple district council
chairperson, LCIF multiple district coordinator, Guiding Lion and Leo Club Advisor.

In recognition of his service to the association, he has received numerous awards including the
Award for Maximum Membership Growth in ISAAME as a District Governor, multiple
extension awards and a Membership Advancement Key He is also the recipient of multiple
International President’s Awards and an International President’s Leadership Award. He is also a
Progressive Melvin Jones Fellow.

In addition to his Lions activities, Director Chauhan is active in numerous professional and
community organizations. He has received countless awards and recognitions for his kindness
and service within and around Agra and throughout India. Additionally, he is the national
president of the Association of All India Jeet Kune Do Foundation.

Director Chauhan and his spouse Babita Singh, who is also a Lion and a Melvin Jones Fellow,
have two children—a daughter and a son.

R. Mathanagopal (2022-24)

Past Director
International Director

Ramakrishnan Mathanagopal from Coimbatore, India was elected to serve a two-year term as a
director of Lions Clubs International at the association’s 104th International Convention, June 24
through June 28, 2022.

Director Mathanagopal is an industrialist with 30 years of experience. He is currently managing
a unit that manufactures specialty plastics and is also a property consultant.

Inspired by the service that Lions were carrying out throughout his community, he became a
member in in 1991 after joining the Coimbatore Industrial Estate Lions Club, where he still
serves today. He has held a number of offices within the association including multiple district
SightFirst coordinator, multiple district Sight Preservation, Awareness and Action Chairperson ,
multiple district leadership coordinator and associate editor of Lion-India Magazine. Director
Mathanagopal, has conducted over 250 leadership programs for Lions and trained more than
10,000 Lions. He has served as a leadership trainer at multiple leadership institutes and vice
district governors/DGE schools. Additionally, he is LCIP certified.

In recognition of his service to the association, he has received numerous awards including
multiple International President’s Awards, International President’s Leadership Awards and
International President’s Certificates of Appreciation. He is also a Progressive Melvin Jones

In addition to his Lions activities, Director Mathanagopal is active in numerous professional and
community organizations. He is also a member of the Citizens Voice Club and has served a
secretary of the Industry Owners Association (COSIEMA) and treasurer of the Indian Plastics

Director Mathanagopal and his spouse, Mathanagopal Thilakavathi, have two children—a son
and a daughter. Lion Mathanagopal Thilakavathi is a nutrition and childbirth educator. She is
also a Melvin Jones Fellow